Renters Insurance in and around Lancaster
Renters of Lancaster, State Farm can cover you
Renting a home? Insure what you own.

Would you like to create a personalized renters quote?
Home Sweet Home Starts With State Farm
It's not just the structure that makes the home, it's also what's inside. So, even if your home is a rented condo or townhouse, renters insurance can be one of those most reasonable things you can do to protect your valuables, including your smartphone, lamps, bicycle, furniture, and more.
Renters of Lancaster, State Farm can cover you
Renting a home? Insure what you own.

There's No Place Like Home
When renting makes the most sense for you, State Farm can help cover what you do own. State Farm agent Xan Vargo can help you generate a plan for when the unexpected, like an accident or a water leak, affects your personal belongings.
There's no better time than the present! Call or email Xan Vargo's office today to learn more about State Farm's coverage and savings options.
Have More Questions About Renters Insurance?
Call Xan at (740) 571-0307 or visit our FAQ page.
Simple Insights®
How to choose a neighborhood that is right for you
How to choose a neighborhood that is right for you
The trick to choosing a neighborhood to live in is to figure out what matters to you and to do thorough research.
Hidden costs of buying a home
Hidden costs of buying a home
Prepare by budgeting for the other charges and costs associated with buying a home, even if you've bought before.

Simple Insights®
How to choose a neighborhood that is right for you
How to choose a neighborhood that is right for you
The trick to choosing a neighborhood to live in is to figure out what matters to you and to do thorough research.
Hidden costs of buying a home
Hidden costs of buying a home
Prepare by budgeting for the other charges and costs associated with buying a home, even if you've bought before.